Adult Dependent Relative

  • What are the eligibility requirements to apply for the UK Adult dependant visa?

    UK Adult Dependant visa eligibility criteria (entry clearance):

    To successfully qualify as an adult dependant relative (entry clearance), you must be a parent, grandparent, sibling or child. In each case, you must be 18 years of age and above and are either ill, old-aged or disabled who requires extensive and indefinite care.

    Further, you need to prove that:
    • Your UK relative can support, accommodate and care for you without recourse to public funds for at least 5-years
    • The treatment or care in your home country is not affordable or reasonable. Also, no other person in the country you live in can provide you with long-term personal care (including all the household tasks like cooking, washing, cleaning, etc.)
    • You must provide extensive medical, identification and enquiriesrmation reports
    • You have not been convicted of any serious criminal offence and meet the character suitability requirements per Section S-EC: Suitability-entry clearance of Appendix FM
    Additionally, your UK sponsor (relative) must also satisfy the following criteria. He/She must:
    • Be a British or Irish National or,
    • Have a pre-settled status (EEA nationals living in the UK before 1 January 2021) or,
    • Have a settled status and provide proof of Indefinite leave to remain, settled status or permanent residence or
    • Hold a refugee status or humanitarian protection
  • What are the rules for the Adult Dependent Relative (ADR) route?

    Before applying online for the ADR visa/route, understanding rules and regulations under adult dependent relative visa is essential.

    According to the eligible sponsorship category, if your UK sponsor isn’t either settled or a British citizen with limited leave to remain status, then:

    • You’ll also have a limited leave to remain with a similar validity as the sponsor’s limited leave without claiming public funds
    • You (applicants) can then apply online for the entry clearance from outside the UK. Remember that you can’t switch to the ADR route in the UK unless you have an ILR status
    • The stringent ADR policy is one of the means to minimise the UK taxpayers’ burden towards NHS and local authority social care benefits. This is true, in particular, when the adult-dependent relative could adequately avail the long-term care in their country of residence. Additionally, the ADR rules offer some pros. For instance, the sponsors of an Adult dependent relative can immediately settle in the UK with full British citizenship rights— complete access to NHS and other state benefits. Hence, ADR rules can overcome most of the concerns and financial gaps for both the applicants and the sponsors alike, should the economic circumstances change for the relative settled in the UK
  • What are the supporting documents needed to apply for a Dependent Adult Relative visa?

    Before you apply for the ADR (dependent adult visa), your UK relative (sponsor) must provide the following evidence with undertaking.

    Required documents for Dependent Adult Relative visa:

    • Details of family relationship between you (the applicant) and your UK relative, provide birth or adoption certificates, etc
    • Independent Medical records from doctors/ other professional therapist stating that the applicant explicitly requires extensive care due to inability to perform everyday household tasks due to mental and physical condition
    • Evidence that the applicant cannot access adequate medical treatments / long-term care from their home country despite the full financial support from the UK’s sponsor
    • A signed undertaking from the sponsor of an adult-dependent relative that they are responsible for providing sufficient support, accommodation, and long-term care ( as a result of illness, old age or disability) for at least five years

    Once you have gathered all the supporting evidence, you should apply online using Appendix 1 VAF4A available on the UK’s government official website.

  • How long can I stay in the UK with Adult Dependent Visa?

    Staying in the UK with Adult Dependent Visa

    The duration of your stay would exclusively depend on the status of your relative (UK sponsor).

    For example, you can live in the UK indefinitely if your family member is also settled / is British / Irish. On the contrary, you’ll have limited leave to remain in the UK if your relative is unsettled in the UK.

    Accordingly, you’ll need to apply for extension or settlement if your family member living in the UK:
    • Has a refugee/humanitarian protection status
    • Has Pre-settled status

    In these scenarios, you can stay as long as your relative is staying in the UK.

  • What should I do if my UK ADR visa application gets refused?

    ADR visa refused. What’s next?

    As with any other UK immigration visa refusals, it’s pervasive to have your ADR visa refused; especially under the following circumstances:
    • When the sponsor proves the adequacy of financial maintenance requirements for their dependent relatives, applicants often fail to justify why this practical support wouldn’t be sufficient while staying in their home country
    • Per the Home office guidance, the ECO (entry clearance officer) will assess the availability of;
      • Other close family members, including friends, housekeepers, and neighbours from the applicant’s country of origin, who can still provide adequate care, including managing various household tasks. The chances of refusals are higher. However, regardless of this daunting experience, if you have the grounds, you can challenge the home office’s decision via Judicial Review/ Appeal.

    For more proactive action, it’s always recommended to seek and instruct one of our highly qualified UK’s Leading Immigration Solicitors. Book an appointment via 0203 500 1311. We’ll ensure your ADR visa gets approved with high success chances with our dedicated, time-efficient approach.
    We offer a premium service package at fixed rates (including application documents gathering, submission and appeal/JR application)

  • What are the common reasons for Adult Dependent visa refusal?

    As alluded to, ADR rules are pretty strict; hence, it is difficult to have your adult dependent visa approval on the first consideration.

    The UK sponsor and the applicant lack substantial argument to justify:
    • The latter (Dependent Adult) is not receiving the ‘reasonable’ or ‘required level’ of care from the country of origin, especially when the applicant lack medical evidence to back up his argument of requiring physical and emotional care solely provided by the UK sponsor
    • Failing to meet the substantive ADR visa rules

    Nevertheless, to avoid your frustration of getting Adult dependent visa refusals, you always have a way around to justify your arguments with more solid grounds to revert the refusal;

    For instance: under ‘exceptional circumstances’ where ADR visa refusal would lead to precarious/unjustifiable circumstances, you can appeal based on Human rights

    To get the UK Immigration expert advice, guidance and support, reach out to our SRA-regulated dyson team. Call us now 0203 500 1311 for more enquiriesrmation on formulating sound skeleton arguments and options available whether you are an ADR sponsor or the applicant. Maximise your chances of more favourable outcomes by booking an appointment with one of our friendly and qualified immigration expert.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What are the requirements for my UK sponsor (relative) under the UK Dependent Adult Visa?

    To apply as a dependent adult relative, your care provider living in the UK must meet specific eligibility requirements. These include satisfying the immigration status as follows:

    • Your relative must have British/Irish or ILR status or hold a refugee status
    • Like Child Dependent Visa, your UK sponsor must be bearing the sole responsibilities of looking after your personal needs.
  • Do I need to meet the English Language requirements for a successful Dependent Visa UK?

    Luckily, you don’t have to sit for the IELTS Language exam to qualify for a Dependent relative Visa UK.

    Nevertheless, you need to check the eligibility criteria if you apply for any other UK Family Visa. You may need to prove your knowledge of the English Language.

  • Can I apply for a UK Tier 2 Dependent Visa as a parent?

    The qualifying applicants can only apply for a UK Tier2 Dependent visa to join their Tier 2 child if:

    • Your child has been living in the UK ( settled or British Citizen) for five continuous years.
    • Your child (with an ILR status) can only sponsor you for an Adult dependent visa UK.
  • How can Immigration Lawyers at Dyson assist me with UK Adult Dependent Visa?

    It’s usually rare to have your Adult dependent visa grants on the first consideration. This is mainly the case when you fail to satisfy the major eligibility requirements fully.

    It can be exhausting because your Adult dependent visa is only approved under ‘exceptional circumstances’.

    At dyson Solicitors, you can confidently trust your personal immigration case. With our dedicated and highly experienced immigration team, you can expect promising outcomes on your Adult dependent visa UK.

    With this guarantee, we offer some of the following premium services:

    • Review and prepare Document check-list- careful assessment of supporting evidence is crucial to ensure you have sufficient grounds to apply for the UK Adult dependent relative visa
    • Offer a letter of representation— providing a sound cover letter further improves the merits of your application assortment
    • Maintain communication with the Homeoffice— to keep a strong track of your ADR visa application status, we constantly stay in touch with the home office officials
    • Offer one-on-one advisory sessions via telephone/Whatsapp/Zoom meetings—instructing for initial consultancy is essential to know how you will prepare your application for successful approval.

    So, connect with our highly devoted dyson team any time at your convenience via a call at 0203 500 1311

Personal Immigration

Fiance Visa

If you have ‘settled status’ in the UK, your fiance may be able to join you in the UK.

Spouse Visa

If you are married or in a civil partnership, you might be eligible to apply for UK Spouse Visa.


If you have completed time required for your route legally, you might be eligible for ILR.


After 12 months of getting your ILR, you might be eligible for naturalisation.


ADR visa allows the eligible applicants with long-term personal care needs to come to the UK to be looked after by their close relative.

Administrative Removal

Especially, the uncertainty of seeing your loved ones again can be very heart-breaking.

Immigration Bail

You may be taken to a detention centre without warning.


If you have been detained or refused an entry in the UK, we are here to help, contact us.


If you have fear of persecution, you maybe eligible for grant of asylum as a refugee.


If you are an international student looking to pursue higher education in the UK; the Student Visa will permit you to do so.


If you have been detained or refused an entry in the UK, we are here to help, contact us.

Global Talent

Global talent visa scheme allows qualifying Foreign nationals to come to the UK for work.

Civil Penalty

A Civil Penalty Notice can damage your organisations reputational image, which can lead to financial damage.

Judicial Review

Judicial Review is the process of challenging the lawfulness of decisions of public authorities.

Administrative Review

Administrative Review is a process to challenge an eligible decision and raise any case working errors which has resulted in the application being wrongly refused.

Visitor Visa

The UK visitor visa which is also known as the Standard Visitor Visa is a UK short term visa that allows you to stay in the UK for up to 6 months and conduct various purposeful activities.


FLR M stands for Further Leave to Remain in the Marriage category.

Immigration Appeals

Making an Appeal for UK visa refusal cases can be a complex process.